What I've done

So.. time to show off some actual results of my work I suppose. The idea is to publish new projects as they emerge. But as some old Chinese dude once said: «Things Takes Time». In layman's terms that about sums to: "I haven't got anything new to show you just yet". In the meantime I'll present thee with some "old" projects in which I have held the part of developer. Note that these projects where not created solely by me, I merely did the development part of it. To read more about some of the people involved in making these projects please visit Voyagedigital.com.
Due credits also to Kjartan over at madebykjartan for his exquisite web-design in the «lenka» project. There are many more I'm sure..please don't sue me or go into a wild rampage if I forgot to mention your name ;-)

Freia 2007
This project was developed by using Flash 8 and ActionScript 2, which where the cutting edge at the time. I know, hard to imagine AS2 cutting anything whatsoever.. Anyway, some of the features included a totally physics driven ragdoll game, where the purpose was to avoid enemies and win the princess. Hey! It's not original, but darn tutting cool. Click here to watch it live.

Lenka (The Chain)
A project with a goal of actually helping people, which was a real inspiration. This was my first Actionscript 3 project and therefore one should be kind in evaluating it's effectiveness and robustness!
Thinking back, this project should have been done using Flex, but we ended up doing it in the first release of Flash 9. Smart? Well.. But hey.. it still rocks! (offline)

Menn og kreft 2006 (Men and chancer)
This was done in Flash 8 and AS2, and boy did this project get fat. Tons of cartoons loading and cellular services adjoined by a fully fledged online video editor with exporting features. Basically we worked our collective asses of making it, and by golly it's slow to load..but still, it's worth it.. mostly because of Runes (The Art Director) way cool character design. Watch it live here.

Menn og kreft 2007(Men and cancer 2007)
The project was a followup to the project above, only this time Rune had hatched a completely spanking new and exiting idea. «How to live life», as told by a cartoon midget with a sassy attitude. This time done in Flash 9 and Actionscript 3, much more smooth and lightweight that the previous year. And to top it off, the amazing "kick my ass" game. It's the black button in the middle.
Click here to watch Steinar go bananas

That's some of them. Sorry they're all in norwegian, but still, you don't have to read the text you know. Well, I'll be back with more incredibe nerdy stuff at a later moment in time.

Quicktip: Changing the font in Flex 3 editor

Have you ever wanted to turn enlarge that font size in the code editor in Flex builder 2/3, but have thrown in the towel after several hours poking around to find this setting? Since Flex is build on Eclipse, this part of the editor is actually identical to the Eclipse interface. To change the font, choose Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and fonts.
In that small list of folders, choose Basic -> Text font and hit the change button. Tada! Kinda a lot of effort, but it will be worth it in assisting your eyes from squinting all day long.

And hey, while we're at it. If you are starting to type something in the code editor, but can't quite remember the whole variable name or whatever... hit ctrl+ spacebar. Flex will then make a suggestion. This is a very handy feature as well..