9 things I've learned about web-development

I've been a developer for quite some time now, meddling with both the web-centric and the native side of things. As of lately, that is for the last 3 months or so I have focused more in depth on "standards" based web development. Meaning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Even if I've been writing HTML since 1996 (yeah, I'm getting old), I have never really bothered to really focus in depth on the basic building blocks of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, until now. 4 books and many many hours of training videos later I feel that I've learned something, which is that an iPad make for a lousy pillow if you keep trying to sleep on it! But more than that, I found 9 things that I have learned, which may be blatantly obvious to you if you are a fancy pantsy web-developer, but then again, maybe you'll learn something new?

1. Web-designers and web-developers think differently.
What do I mean by that? Consider of how you're tagging your HTML with classes and id's. The designer approach to this would be classes all the way, then using the clever selector syntax of CSS to reach the nested areas of the document. This makes sense when working with formatting. Developers tend to view the HTML as a framework with components. Classes are used for formatting while id's are used to identify areas of the markup one would need to reach via JavaScript. Designers will prioritize the "flow" of the «document» whilst developers don't consider it a document at all. I don't think either approach is «correct» or «wrong», it's just two ways of approaching the same challenge.

2. CSS is not a layout language.
Almost all layout in modern HTML based webpages are done using CSS, so how can anybody claim that it's not a layout language? I too was somewhat surprised when time and time again the "people who knew what they are talking about" kept repeating this. From the WHATWG to W3C and several books on the topic kept driving this home..«not a layout language». Turns out, CSS is a formatting language with some layout features. Semantics? Well, not really. If you compare CSS 2.1 to a "real" layout language like MXML you'll soon notice a big difference. Layout languages, or UI markup languages have special layout components to group element, flow elements, sort elements both horizontally and vertically. CSS 2.1 does not have this, it's totally reliant on either floats or absolute positioning. This will better with the introduction of the flexible box model in CSS3, but still it will remain a formatting language at heart.

3. CSS selectors are incredible powerful...stuff
This is one of the areas on which I have discovered most new stuff. CSS 2.1 embodies most of them, but with the introduction of the CSS 3 standard, selectors can now do some amazing stuff. Conditional child selection, substrings within attributes while traversing child elements are just some examples. And the best part is that they are largely supported in all modern browsers, including Internet Explorer 8. If I where to recommend one area on with to focus you attention, if you don't already know this, it would be CSS selectors. It's not complicated or hard to understand, there are just so much under the hood which can make your CSS writing a lot more enjoyable.

4. Things will look different in different places.
If you try to create pixel perfect designs across all browsers and platforms you will go bonkers, that is unless you are a technophile machochist whom derives enjoyment from banging your head up against the gigantic wall of Internet Explorer inconsistency. You're much better off using either the progressive enhancement or the graceful degradation approach where you serve different users the same content, only wrapped in a slightly different presentation. This way Internet Explorer users can sit and stare at that black and white page of rich text all day long, while us WebKit fanboys can swim in the loveliness that is a modern browser with animations and shit.

5. A position is not the same position elsewhere, or everywhere.
Since this is more or less an extension of point 4, I can't be bothered to find a pretty picture for this one. (As a side note, if you use Google image search for the term "position", turn safe search on!) What this point is concerning, what I've found is: Firefox and Chrome (or any other browsers) does not have the same interpretation when it comes to rendering a point at, say x: 100, y: 100. Since it's up to the user agent (browser) to parse your CSS and HTML and then draw it on the screen, you will at certain points end up in a situation where an absolute point in the top left coordinate system will differ from user agent to user agent and even on the same user agent on different operating systems. This can be avoided by using floats and containers instead of using absolute positioning. But, it's better to accept that things might not look exactly the same everywhere.

6. Modernizer Rocks!
If you ever need to use conditional CSS 3 or HTML 5, Modernizer is by far the best solution I've found. The way Modernizer works is actually twofold. You can first use it with CSS directly. Lets say you want to take advantage of the RGBA color model found in CSS 3, but you also need to support those pesky Internet Explorer users. All you need to do in your stylesheet is to prefix your class or id selector with ".rgba". Let's say I wanted to apply a style via the selector «h2[class*="onkey"]», but only for browsers supporting RGBA. It would look like this: «.rgba h2[class*="onkey"]». The RGBA class simply adds itself as a ascendant class. This style would then only apply if RGBA was supported. The other way of using Modernizer is with JavaScript. To check for support for H.264 video playback abilities, simply use «Modernizer.video.h264» and it'll return false, "maybe" or "probably". Yep, that is the HTML 5 spec for video format detection..

7. jQuery selectors are convenient, JavaScript is fast!
If you don't know what jQuery is, you should go find out! Someone once wrote that jQuery is Gods gift to JavaScript. Where God is of course John Resig and I was the one that wrote that, just now in fact. jQuery is seriously awesome, it allows for fast and easy cross browser development. Underscoring cross browser, which is what it does really really well. It is just a JavaScript framework, a tiny one at that, but crammed with neat functionality, from animations, ajax loading and the usage of CSS selectors to get a hold of DOM elements. You can say things like: «jQuery('div.donkey')» which would give you all the donkey divs in the page. This is really convenient, because you can find stuff in the DOM with the same syntax used in the CSS. There is a downside however. When using CSS selectors in a CSS file or in the HTML file, the user agent takes care of all the heavy lifting required to traverse the DOM and find those elements. This is fast because the user agent does this natively using a compiled language such as C. However, jQuery is not written into the native part of the browser and will therefore need to use JavaScript to traverse the DOM to find the elements based on the CSS selector. Hence using the build in JavaScript functions «getElementById», «getElementsByTagName» or the spanking new «getElementsByClassName» is much faster than using the jQuery selectors. What you can do is combine them like so «jQuery(getElementById('id-name'))». Then you would get the speed of the native JavaScript functions while keeping all the jQuery goodness as well.

8. There are datatypes in JavaScript!
!!Nerd alert!! Even if you don't explicitly declare datatypes in JS, there is a difference between for example «"2"» and «2». If you where to add these two values together «"2" + 2», you'd get «"22"», while «2 + 2» returns «4». Now, what if «a = [2,3,"a"]» and «b = 2». What would «a + b» give you? That's right «a + b => "2,3,a2"». JS has a lot of functions for dealing with this. You have «toString()» to convert a number to a string, «parseInt(strNum)» to convert a string into a whole number and so on. The important thing is to be astutely aware of it, even if you can't declare a strict datatype.

9. The WebKit Web Inspector is your most important tool
If you're in any WebKit browser, Safari, Chrome so on you have access to the build in "Web Inspector". This tool is your best friend when working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It will do anything the more famous Firebug does and more. Don't get me wrong, I'm not railing on Firebug which is an awesome tool, I am however highly recommending the WebKit Web Inspector because of it's speed, advanced profiling tools and unsurpassed JavaScript debugger. Try it and you'll see why I'm praising it!

So that's it, or more likely, that's some of it. If you have actually read all the text down to this I truly hope that this post have contributed in some small way to your blah blah blah blah..you know the drill. Now get back to work, those recursive functions won't be creating themselves ;-)

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